5 Health Tips Every Woman Should Know

Women are caregivers and nurturers, and as such, often fall into the habit of taking care of the health and wellness needs of others before they take care of their own. But healthcare professionals advise that women are typically in a better position to provide care for their loved one when they make their own healthcare and well-being top priorities.

No matter what a woman’s age or overall health status is, 6 health tips can help to increase the chances of better health throughout their lives:

Keep up with annual wellness checks. 

Keeping regular wellness checks and health screenings as a priority can increase the chances of early detection of disease or chronic conditions. That, in turn, increases the chances of employing timely intervention to any developing health problems. Women should see their doctors as recommended, even if they are feeling fine.

Stop smoking. 

Cutting out smoking in any form can significantly reduce a woman’s chances of developing lung and heart disease.

Get quality sleep. 

Regular sleep promotes a myriad of poor health and disease-fighting benefits, including improving mental alertness, helping to keep stress levels in check, and fighting aging.

Make physical activity a priority.

A sedentary lifestyle can lead to many chronic disease conditions, so physical activity is a substantial contributor to a healthy life. Even if there is only time for 20 minutes of exercise a day, a lifelong habit of physical activity benefits a healthy heart and helps women to stay on top of their weight and stress levels.

Throughout a woman’s life, a physical activity regimen that includes 20-30 minutes of daily activity, such as walking, running, hiking, biking, or swimming, is recommended for optimal heart health, weight management, and overall stress reduction. As women age, it may be helpful for them to supplement your exercise routine with strength training activities that help to prevent loss of bone density and muscle mass. It’s never too late to start exercising. Even women over 50 who don’t have much of a history of physical fitness can still “start small” and work their way into a regular routine of exercise that helps to improve their overall health.

Don’t skimp on nutrition and a healthy diet.

Proper nutrition is a priority. Women should avoid crash diets or overindulging in favor of a healthy, realistic diet that features plenty of whole foods, fruits, and vegetables. Regardless of a woman’s age, nutritionists generally recommend a diet that is focused on protein, fruits, vegetables, and fiber. Your physician and your health advisor can be excellent resources to help you tailor a diet that best supports lifelong health.

Women of childbearing age also need foods like leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, and beans to help prevent birth defects. For women who have already gone through menopause, increasing intake of foods with calcium and Vitamin D (such as fruit, seafood, and egg yolks) is recommended to prevent bone disease and other diseases.

When you can’t talk to your physician, an online health advisor may be able to give you the assistance you need. Trustworthy and caring health advice is available 24/7. Get the answers you need when you need them!


Cholesterol and Blood Pressure: Women ages 20 and up should consider annual cholesterol tests and blood pressure checks a part of their regular health care routine. Your physician may recommend a more frequent schedule if you have a family history of problems in these areas or other risk factors.

Pelvic Exams and Pap Smears: Women ages 21-65 should have annual pelvic exams and a Pap smear at least every three years. These screenings may performed by your family medicine doctor or your OB-GYN.

Breast Exams and Mammograms: Generally, all women should receive a breast exam every year beginning at age 20. Most healthcare providers recommend annual mammograms from age 40-50, and every-other-year mammograms after that point. Also, you should get into the habit of monthly self-exams of your breasts. Your physician can show you the correct way to perform them.

Osteoporosis Screenings: Women 65 and older are at greater risk for problems with their bones, which is why most doctors recommend annual bone density screenings beginning at age 65.

Colorectal Screenings: Once you turn 50, ask your physician about recommended screenings (such as colonoscopies) for colorectal cancers and other potential problems.

Skin Cancer: Women of all ages should develop the habit of paying attention to changes in the skin or changes in moles and birthmarks. Be sure and report anything that seems different when you have annual wellness checks. If you have risk factors for skin cancer, such as a family history, fair skin, or a history of childhood sunburns, you should ask your physician if he or she recommends regular screenings.